Nobel Prize in Chemistry Awarded to Rejected Technology, “Same GMOs”
Wait just a minute Nobel Prize Committee, slow your roll. The 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry has been awarded to Drs. Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuel Charpentier for their discovery and application of CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing, a process that some say is a revolutionary step in agriculture and medicine.
Obviously the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and the Nobel Prize Committees are paid operatives of Monsanto. As we have been told by the real experts like Joe Mercola and Health Ranger Mike Adams, the lauded technology is dangerous work of mad scientists, triggering tumors and “frying your DNA”. After all, the award’s namesake Alfred Nobel made his fortune from the invention of dynamite, so the technology going to a DNA frying, tumor triggering practice is right in line with the founder’s mission to wreck stuff with chemistry.
Even this Thursday there is an esteemed panel of the world’s real experts being assembled to dismantle the claims around gene editing. The timing could not be more perfect. An assembly of pseudoscienitsts, luddites, technology deniers, folks that profit from misleading fear labels, and heiresses to natural food empires has been assembled to denounce use of CRISPR/Cas9 technology in modern precise plant breeding.
The panel represents well over a century of scientific denialism, devoting massive time, energy and financial assets to ensure that the most cutting edge technologies designed to help farmers, the environment and the poor are never adopted. Ideally, they would like to see them banned.
As is the case in the European Union. The technology that just won the Nobel Prize in the EU, is the same technology banned from the EU.
So who is right? A sparkling pair of brilliant scientists that developed a technology that will cure sickle cell disease and some childhood cancers, or the Dunning-Kruger cast of science denialists that have built comfortable careers profiting from disinformation?