Kacey, thanks for the note. No, journalists must not just make up information and pass it on as factual. Worse, they must not accept hearsay or false evidence as legitimate and they need to do some fact checking. The New York Times has published many articles over the last several years that target agriculture, and this one does as well. Sometimes the messenger is not innocent, and in many cases should be held accountable. They propagate the bad information, and in this case willingly did it for OCA.
The chemical they claim to find is likely not there. We can’t tell without understanding the method used. Many have used a commercially available kit incorrectly and claimed to have detected glyphosate when they are seeing noise from an incompatible matrix in a competitive ELISA assay.
My position is not hypocritical. It says that we should not accept claims that are not supported by evidence. That helps us make the best decisions about food, and I think that is important.
The claims against B&J are payback because they didn’t roll over to activist demands. Today’s entry — https://medium.com/@kevinfolta/ben-jerry-and-the-organic-consumers-association-mafia-tonight-you-sleep-with-the-phishes-f39d29f8a822